Testimony of the visionary Mirjana at the Medjugorje youth festival, 4 August 2014
âŠ.. The Mother has been with us for many years guiding and teaching us. She didnât get tired of us. I have never seen her neither tired nor nervous nor angry. I have always seen her full of Love and determined to help us, her children.
She needs us and says: âOpen your hearts and I will be with youâ.
For this I beg you: begin little by little to walk together with the Mother. Step by step. It is important for you to walk with her.
Donât waste time judging your prayer; let God judge it. It is important that we pray. It is important that we have contact with our Heavenly Father. There is no man on earth who can say: âI pray as I must. I do just as God wants.â
I am afraid of these people. We are all on the way to holiness; we all try to be as Heavenly Father likes and try to follow our Mother. She will guide us and Jesus will judge how successful we have been.
You know that Our Lady also asks us for family prayer. Especially from you, the young people, you who are thinking of starting a family, do not think that this is possible without the blessing of the Heavenly Father.
Do not think that this is possible without common prayer. No. You cannot have peace in a family in which God is not in the first place.
Just think about the responsibility you have as a parent in front of your children. They look at us, they look at the parents. They do what they see we do. If they see that God is not in the first place for us, what can we expect from them? Parents must put Mass first. The children must see them pray. They will only do what they saw from their parents.
So again I beg you: pray, pray, so that our pastors know that they are loved and that we are with them. This is the desire of our Heavenly Mother.
They ask me: âWhat is your greatest desire? And the biggest message? â For me it is love. The love that you teach us also wants us to live it.