This is why you should consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to Padre Pio

Dearest Father Livio, 

With this email I wish to share with you a heartfelt appeal from the great Saint of Pietrelcina and a prophecy about our times! 

One day they asked Padre Pio why he insisted so much on having people do the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

He replied:

“Because it is the only place in the world where Satan has not set foot and never will to take the souls that enter there…and a future so diabolical awaits you that the apocalypse is nothing compared to it, put yourself in there and you will be safe.”

Thank you always for all that you do for the Glory of God and of the Most Holy Mary for the salvation of souls!

Gianluigi from the province of Benevento (land of Padre Pio)

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