Lord in the silence of this day that is born give me joy, hope and peace

Lord, in the silence of this day that is born, I come to ask you for peace, wisdom and strength. Today I want to look at the world with eyes full of love; be patient, understanding, humble, sweet and good. See behind your appearances your children, as you see them, in order to appreciate the goodness of each one.

Jesus love-


Close my ears to murmurings, guard my tongue from any slander; that in me there are only thoughts that say well. I want to be so well intentioned and just to make your presence felt to all those who approach me.

Coat me of your goodness, Lord, make that during this day, I reflect you.

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Jesus, today, like every day, with family, with colleagues, with friends, with those who will simply meet, you will knock on my door. Help me to recognize your voice, and to always open you, so that you can enter into my life and stay with me.
