“The Great Apostasy” The Sacredness of life is dimming…The diabolical objective to replace God and Control Man

Source La Luce di Maria (translated from Italian by Google)

Unfortunately, many today note with deep bitterness that we find ourselves in a time in which there is a generalized “great apostasy”, especially in the West. 

Many, in fact, who grew up in a society and a culture that has inherited all of itself from the Christian tradition , however, today end up totally denying the faith, faced with the demands of modernity, its sirens and ephemeral and illusory lights. We are surrounded by new idols, golden calves that invite us to leave the path of life and truth to take that of deception and lies.

The illusion that many Christians risk biting into

We see it in an infinity of different contexts. From the lack of Christian charity towards our neighbor , with growing inequalities and inequities, to the total lack of interest in the sacredness of life, the centrality of the family, the need for a spiritual dimension that allows us to dedicate ourselves, as a higher interest, to the salvation of own soul.

So many end up no longer believing in God, in Jesus and in the Church. And as Chesterton said, it is not true that those who do not believe in God do not believe in anything, because they begin to believe in everything. To be duped by any illusory falsehood. Unfortunately, this also happens within the Catholic world. There have been striking cases in recent weeks.

The diabolical objectives of those who want to replace God to control man

Let’s take the theme of the Zan Bill, of the desire to compulsorily introduce a concept, that of gender identity, which has as its ground the deconstruction, that is the destruction, of the family as a human institution, and consequently the deprivation of every biological foundation and natural of the human being. Nature is frightening because it comes from God , and it cannot be controlled, consequently we would like to eliminate it with a squeeze of sponge.

Money, power, technology have led a small group of humanity to possess levels of arrogance such that they want not only to replace God, but also to control him. Nature comes from God and shapes the human being, created in the image and likeness of the Creator. This, evidently, to the deviant plans of the great powerful bothers them enormously, reminds them of their smallness and nothingness in the face of the reality to which the Lord brings us back.

If everything can be bought, humanity too becomes a commodity

So the aim is to make even human beings become laboratory products. Men and women who change their sex with ad hoc scientific interventions, boys and girls born in test tubes, poor mothers enslaved and forced to sell their children thanks to the chains of money that everything is allowed to buy. Everything can be bought and sold, the human being no longer has dignity . Those who have money have more and more power, even over life.

The reality is that he is selling the death of his neighbor, of the society in which he lives, and ultimately of his own soul. There are Catholic groups that support this vision of the world and of life, totally stuck in this perspective. Proof that sometimes even a Christian can be deceived. On the other hand, even within Christianity there are extremely different positions on life and on the world, some disconcerting, scandalizing for those who have faith.

One wonders where is the heart of a Christian who attacks prayer

In recent weeks, at Pope Francis’ call to pray for the end of the pandemic in May, a well-known theologian, one of the most accredited among the “good people”, the “people who think”, just as the Pharisees believed themselves , he felt compelled to respond, saying nothing less than praying for the end of the pandemic would be a way of approaching faith bordering on ridicule.

One wonders if characters of this kind are really Christians, or only infiltrators who try to bring their own atheist vision into Christian thought, confusing the faithful, the people, the world. One wonders where their heart is, when similar affirmations are made, if they are really close to their neighbors , convinced that they are doing something good, or if in reality their interiority is so corrupted as to be totally hidden, concealed, and we find ourselves in being unable to truly look at it as it is.

All of Christianity had to deal with those who attacked it

On closer inspection, it is also the history of Christian civilization, because it has always been like this. When Saul, after his conversion, began preaching in Damascus, the Jews tried to kill him and he had to flee, going to Jerusalem. There the Christians feared him and the Jews continued to chase him, until he ran away as far as Tarsus . That is, he returned to his homeland.

In that period many were converted, also thanks to the many miracles that accompanied the preaching of the Gospel. Peter evangelized the entire coastal strip, performing miracles as in Lydda, with the healing of Aeneas, or in Jaffa, where he resurrected a girl who had recently died. Prodigies that were accomplished by always praying , without ever stopping, in the name of Jesus, thus confirming the word of the Apostles.

The preaching of the gospel has always received persecution

Even while these miracles were taking place, however, on the other side there was a profound hostility, up to persecution, which characterized the preaching of the Gospel always by an open hostility that surrounded him. The greatest sign for Christians who preached the Gospel to the end, making it their mission, was martyrdom.

Today, faced with the time of the great apostasy, Jesus continues to question us. “Do you want to leave too?” He asks us. Everyone has their own answer to give. As did Simon Peter, who gave his own. “Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life and we have believed and known that you are the Holy One of God ”. Let us ask ourselves, therefore, taking the Gospel in hand, which side we want to be on, whether from that of the Lord or from that of the world.

Giovanni Bernardi

Alicja – The Poison of the Antichurch

Our Lord Jesus to Alicja Lenczewska on June 6th, 2002:

The Immaculate Heart of My Mother will conquer. She is the Mother of the Church which is always holy, independently of the sins and betrayals by many of the sons of the Church. I am the holiness of the Church, with My Apostles, My devoted servants who, in their sacrifice of martyrdom, are the foundation, the wall and the dome of My Temple. In [the Church] I am living and true, in Her I nourish My children through My servants, I restore life to them and lead them to the Father’s House.

My Church suffers, as I have suffered; She is wounded and bleeding, as I was wounded, and as I marked with My Blood the way to Golgotha. My Church is spit upon and profaned, as My Body was spit on and mistreated. She staggers and falls, as I did under the weight of the cross, because She also carries the cross of My children through the years and the ages. And She gets up, She advances toward the resurrection through Golgotha, through the crucifixion of so many saints! But the gates of Hades shall not hold out against Her, because the wisdom and the power of the Divine Spirit guide Her through the heart and the spirit of My vicar on earth and his faithful collaborators.

The dawn and springtime of Holy Church is coming, even if there is an anti-church and its founder, the antichrist. Even if there are prophets of Lucifer, and his priests, and the obedient army of Free Masonry, and many links and organizations to its services. And even if there is a worldly “Sanhedrin” which directs the church of Satan on earth. Even if they control the governments and their wealth, and it seems that they have poisoned all and are leading the world to its ruin.

The antichrist is not God, he cannot create anything. He desires only to destroy what God has created. By aping God, he mutilates, he wounds, he deforms. He contaminates with the poison of fear, of sorrow, and of death.

The anti-church is the opposite of the true Church in its structures, its goals and its activities.

Instead of life, there is death; instead of truth, there is lying; instead of love, hate; instead of forgiveness, vengeance; instead of liberty, slavery; instead of humility, pride; instead of mercy, cruelty.

And one can thus continue to list all the spiritual goods included in the Gospel and recognize their opposite, which become the content of the teaching and activity of those who fight My Church, My beloved, My suffering children.

The path to salvation leads through  purification from the world and of each child of this earth from the satanic poison of Original Sin.

The purification will be offered, it will put in the light of Divine Truth the lies of the sons of darkness. Each man, following his own will, in the face of this Truth, will choose the Kingdom of My Father or else offer himself for eternity to the father of lies.

And the world will be freed from the spiderweb of the Great Prostitute — of the antichrist’s church and of those of My children who serve it.

Mary is She through whom the rebirth of My Church is coming, so that It may shine with the full splendor of Divine holiness.

The present time demands from the children of the Truth heroic faith, hope and love. One must recognize the signs of the times in the light of prayer and of the Word of God, and fulfill the calls of My Mother and those of My beloved servant, John-Paul II: to pray and do penance with the intention of rescuing My lost children.

[Read] the words of Scripture which relate to Holy Church and to Christians: Jb 30:17-31 (and in a certain way the whole book of Job), 1 Pet 1:1-25 (A certain comparison with the third mystery of Fatima is needed).