Medjugorje: New Video – American Pilgrim captures Famous Cross on Mt. Kizevac Miraculously Spinning
On Sunday, May 19, 2019 — our last day in Medjugorje, a bunch of us from our group witnessed the spinning, disappearing, pulsating of the giant cross on Mt. Krizevac. I’ve heard of this phenomena before, but this is the first time we’ve ever seen it… and was able to capture it on video. This cross is over 30 feet tall concrete on a mountain about a mile high that was carried up by hand in 1933. It has a relic of the True Cross in its base.
Cross starts spinning at 1 minute 25 seconds
Cross starts spinning at 1 minute 25 seconds
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Admin: no need to publish this comment. I have no desire to lead people away from something which may serve to convert them.
You can witness the same pulsating of the statue of Our Lady on Apparition Hill and of the the Cross on Mt. Krizevac while watching the livecam at night through MaryTV. The Cross actually pulsates. The statue of Our Lady has more of a radiating feature, especially when viewed through a smart phone screen. I’m not denying anything divine, but certain kinds of lights interact with cameras (such as the LEDs on the front of new cars). Sometimes the live-cams are down, but here you go:
It appears that FB has removed the video or it is not viewable in Australia