Signs of the Diablos – Is American becoming possessed? Our Lady at Medjugorje warns: “The devil prowls around us and sets traps. An invisible war rages all around us, Satan divides and confuses us.”
Unlike any time in recent memory, the United States seems almost hopelessly divided along political and racial lines. Our country seems to be torn apart and hurtling out of control heading towards some dangerous unknown destiny. Nobody seems to be able to tamp out the growing fire of rage.

With the growing divide, it is important to note that throughout history, Satan has often been referred to as the “Diablos” or “The divider”.
“The devil is one who does everything in his power to separate us (dia-bolos in Greek meaning ‘he who divides’) from the vertical link uniting true believers with God, and which alone saves them from solitude and death.
At Medjugorje Our Lady warns us that “Satan is angry”.
Visionary Mirjana, in her book , My Heart Will Triumph talks about the real existence of Satan or the “Devil”
She writes,“Our Lady also continually warned the parish that the devil was angry, saying in one of the weekly messages, ‘these days Satan wants to frustrate my plans.’ Likewise, she once told me that Jesus struggles for each of us, but the devil tries to interfere.”
“Whenever I come to you, my Son comes with me, but so does Satan,” the Blessed Mother once informed them.
“The devil prowls around us and sets traps. He tries to divide and confuse us so that we will detest ourselves and abandon ourselves to him. An invisible war rages all around us, but Our Lady is here to help us win.” There are those who attempt, even in the name of religion, to vilipend it.
Spirit Daily adds: Perhaps his attacks should come as no surprise, in that the parish was soon to attract millions, including tens of thousands of priests (inspiring many others to become priests), build what may be the busiest set of confessionals (there are dozens) in the Catholic world (yes, more than the Vatican), and establish an annual “youth day” in which up to five hundred priests concelebrate (as just a few examples).

Mirjana, in her book unequivocally speaks about the truth of Satan: