Of Penguins and Pilgrims …Why the Mystic Post Penguin?

“Star of the new evangelization, help us to shine in the witness of communion, service, ardent and generous faith, justice and love for the poor, so that the joy of the Gospel reaches the ends of the earth and no periphery is deprived of its light.” The Holy Father
“In Medjugorje pilgrims come from far away, They travel thousands of kilometers, and to do so they must have a firm and decisive motivation and this points to an existential situation of many who have moved away from God, from Christ, from his Church, and from the light that gives meaning to life.” Vatican Envoy Archbishop Hoser
So why a Mystic Post Penguin, we have been asked.
Mystic Post had been looking for a mascot, a
symbol, something that represented to our readers what our mission is all about. During our search, the powerful words from the Holy See inspired our creation.
He asks all of us to “go to the peripheries”, to take the joy of the Gospels to the “Ends of the Earth”.
Taking the Joy of Gospels to the ends of the earth is sort of what we are trying to do here at Mystic Post so with that in mind we searched the end of the earth to see what we would find there. Well, it turns out we found praying penguins in Antarctica and after that it did not take long to make the Penguin our symbol.
The penguin symbolizes taking the Gospel and Our Lady’s message of peace throughout the world – including desolate terrains where penguins make their homes. The Penguin is a symbol of a pilgrim here on earth working as an apostle for the Queen of Peace in Heaven.
“I am calling you to be My Apostles…My children, great graces have been given to you to be witnesses of God’s love.” The Queen of Peace
Medjugorje attracts those who are far away
“In Medjugorje pilgrims come from far away, from around 80 countries of the world.”
They travel thousands of kilometers, and to do so, “must have a firm and decisive motivation,” which also points to “an existential situation of many who have moved away from God, from Christ, from his Church, and from the light that gives meaning to life.” Vatican Envoy Archbishop Hoser