Signs of the Times—Medjugorje: Father Livio: ‘I believe that the time of secrets coincides with the 40th year of appearances” “Time is running out”… Jesus and the Number 40

Less than two years are left, never before has the Director of Radio Maria been so concerned. During the press review of September 13 (min. 29 et seq.) He returned to a sentence from the Message of Our Lady of September 2nd last that had struck everyone: “There is no time to hesitate to kneel before my Son, to recognize him as God “. Well, Father Livio Fanzaga said he wanted to verify the Croatian original – Maria communicates with the visionaries in their language – the expression translated as “No time” and the sense, dictionary in hand, seemed even stronger , something like “There is no time to lose”, “There is no more time”, “Time is running out”, which in the context of the Message he would make with the expression “We are running out”. Hence the statement about the Time of Secrets: “Given that we are now in the 38th year of the apparitions, I really believe that at 40 …”. On the other hand, he continued, “40” is a crucial and symbolic biblical time because it recalls the years in the desert of the people of Israel.
We are different in considering the timing of the 40 years in things. And the most recent Messages of Mary. they have reinforced this conviction: there is a different and sometimes definitive tone and then many expressions sown here and there as if to orientate those who had sufficient light – I quote only one sentence from the July 25 message: “The tests will come and you will not be strong and sin will reign “.

A confirmation on the “40” that has a really final taste is given directly by Jesus in the Books of Heaven written, in the first half of the 1900s, by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, “Adveniat Regnum Tuum, fiat voluntas Tua sicut in caelo et in terra” I reproduce the passages in full view given the delicacy of the theme.
Jesus speaks.
“My daughter, do you think it is by chance that you have held her prisoner for forty years and more, without a great drawing of mine? No, no! The number forty was always significant, and preparatory for big works. Forty years the Jews walked through the desert without being able to reach the promised land, their homeland, but after forty years of sacrifices they had the good of taking possession of it. But how many miracles, how many graces, up to nourish them with heavenly manna, in that time! A prolonged sacrifice holds virtue and strength to obtain great things from God.
I in my life down here wanted to stay forty days in the desert secluded by everyone, since my Mama, to go out in public to announce the Gospel that was to form the life of my Church, that is, the Kingdom of Redemption; forty days I wanted to remain risen to confirm my Resurrection and to put the seal on all the goods of the Redemption.
So I wanted for you, my daughter; to manifest the Kingdom of my Divine Will, I wanted forty years of sacrifices, but how many graces I did not give you! how many manifestations! I can say that in this prolixity of time I put in you all the capital of the Kingdom of my Will and all that is necessary to make it understandable to creatures “(10 October 1928).

Again, in another song.
“I went to the desert to recall that same Divine Will that the creatures had deserted from among them for forty centuries; and for forty days I wanted to be alone to repair the forty centuries of human will in which Mine had not possessed her Kingdom in the midst of the human family, and with my same Divine Will I wanted to call her again among them to do that He reigned. […]
My daughter, the number of forty days in my life down here is symbolic and significant. Forty days, in being born, I wanted to stay in the grotto of Bethlem, a symbol of my Divine Will that while it was in the midst of creatures, it was like their souls hidden and outside the city; and I, to repair the forty centuries of human will, wanted to stay forty days outside the city in a vile hut to weep, to moan and to pray, to recall my Divine Will in the city of souls and to give it its dominion. After forty days I left to introduce myself to the temple and reveal myself to the holy old Simeon. It was the first city I called to the knowledge of my Kingdom and it was so much his joy that he closed his eyes to the earth to open them to eternity. Forty stayed in the desert and then immediately went out into my public life to give the creatures the remedies and the means to reach the Kingdom of my Will. Forty days I wanted to stay on earth after my Resurrection, to confirm the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat and its forty centuries of Kingdom that it was to possess “(8 September 1927).
These are words that speak for themselves. I exposed this perspective in a Post of early 2018 that continued to run on social media and was published by magazines and sites – alas sometimes without mentioning the author. However, it should never be a sterile curiosity to move our gaze on the future. On the contrary, “discerning the signs of the times” to which the Lord invites us in the Gospel is always a call to conversion, which is then for everyone the challenge of life and the key to Paradise. This is why Our Lady has been with us for so long: to lead men back to God, children to the Father, through a wise and tender pedagogy that aims to let the doors of the life of each one open to Jesus.
Mirjana, one of the visionaries, wrote: “Our Lady wants to radically change the world and will do so in the Time of Secrets”.
For Sister Emmanuel of Medjugorje every soul will see how God sees it and for many it will be tremendous.
The Secrets, a series of signs and events that will concern Medjugorje, the Church and the whole world, have already been entrusted to the visionaries and will be revealed to the world through a priest each three days before it happens. The imminent Time of Secrets will be a huge manifestation of God’s mercy. Men will be placed before a choice. It will be a dramatic time that will reveal things and hearts. Evil will show its claws and its fierce face. The Good will demand the test of faith.
For the little ones, the myths, the simple ones who will have brought their own cross with Jesus, choosing to do ‘in your own way costs whatever they cost’, will also be bright days. “Come blessed by my Father!” Will be told by the Lord. It will be very difficult for others to start over from God.
In the end, as already prophesied at Fatima, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Mother will triumph and a new and better time will begin for the world because finally the Will of God which is Love will return to inhabit the hearts of men.
by Giovanni Roma (taken from the facebook